FF Neural Network Regression Demo

Created at 2017-05-25 Updated at 2017-05-25

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FF Neural Network GUI Demo

This is a GUI application which demonstrates how neural networks can be used for regression tasks. Different settings and topologies can be applied to the neural network in order to see their effect on the outcome.

The default options: “ELU” and “Linear” are the activation functions in the hidden layers and the output layer, respectively.

To run it, you will need a couple of dependencies:

sudo pip install kivy kivy-garden numpy matplotlib
garden install matplotlib

The kivy-garden.matplotlib is required so that matplotlib can be used within a Kivy application.

Then simply double-click main.py if set to executable or run:

python main.py

Table of Content

  1. FF Neural Network GUI Demo
Site by OBL using Hexo & Random

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